Есть тема какие итемы выбивать из животных.
Тут приведу вам список животных и итемы, падающие с этих животных.
Normal Hares -
* здоровье: очень мало
* падает: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, Smiley Tie and Sapphire Necklace
* бонус: Cures
* наити можно в: ReallyBig; Hidden Valley
Dire Hares -
* здоровье: мало
* падает: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* бонус: Cures
* наити можно в: ReallyBig; Hidden Valley; Valley Plains
Mutant Hares -
* Health: очень много. 7 баров
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: ReallyBig; Hidden Valley; Valley Plains
Bunnies -
* Health: small
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: GreatFalls
Hawkshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … y/hawk.jpg
Normal Hawks -
* Health: small
* Drops: Checkered bracelet, Red braceletL, Red BraceletR, and Spiked Earrings
* Gives: Stomps
* Find them in: ReallyBig; Marsh; Castle
Dire Hawks -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Checkered bracelet, Red braceletL, Red BraceletR, Rainbow braslet and Spiked Earrings
* Gives: Stomps
* Find them in: ReallyBig; Marsh; Hidden Valley; Valley Plains; Castle
Great Hawks -
* Health: huge, 5 bars
* Drops: Checkered bracelet, Red braceletL, Red BraceletR, and Spiked Earrings
* Gives: Stomps
* Find them in: Marsh
Mantashttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /manta.jpg
Normal Rays -
* Health: approx. 1 bar
* Drops: Heart Necklace, Fangs, Rose, and Nose Ring
* Gives: Sweeps
* Find them in: Ocean; HydroPillar; Serpent's Pass
Dire Rays -
* Health: large
* Drops: Heart Necklace, Fangs, Rose, Checkered bracelet and Nose Ring
* Gives: Sweeps
* Find them in: HydroPillar; Serpent's Pass
Giant Manta Ray -
* Health: huge, [?] bars
* Drops: Fangs, Checkered Bracelet, Spiked Collar, Christmas Bell, Ribbon, and Candy Cane
* Gives: Sweeps
* Find them in: Ocean
Monster Rays -
* Health: Enormous, 10 bars
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Checkered Bracelet, Red BraceletL, Red BraceletR
* Gives: Sweeps
* Find them in: Last Cave
Gazelleshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … azelle.jpg
Normal Gazelles -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Greater Gazelles -
* Health: large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR,Smiley Tie and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Overgrown Gazelles -
* Health: very large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Zebrashttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /zebra.jpg
Normal Zebras -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: Hidden Valley; Valley Plains
Dire Zebras -
* Health: large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: Hidden Valley; Valley Plains
Overgrown Zebras -
* Health: huge, 7 bars
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: tame
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Giraffeshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … iraffe.jpg
Normal Giraffes -
* Health: large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Greater Giraffes -
* Health: very large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Skyscraper Giraffes-
* Health: huge, 9 bars
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Elephantshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ephant.jpg
Normal Elephants -
* Health: very large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Elder Elephants -
* Health: approx. 5 bars
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Earthshaker Elephants-
* Health: huge, 10 bars
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Wildebeestshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ebeest.jpg
Normal Wildebeests -
* Health: large
* Drops: Reindeer Antlers, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Dire Wildebeests -
* Health: very large
* Drops: Reindeer Antlers, ClawsL, ClawsR,Smiley Tie and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Great Wildebeests -
* Health: huge, [?] bars
* Drops: Reindeer Antlers, ClawsL, ClawsR, ZT Helmet and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: Hidden Valley and Valley Plains
Fennec Foxeshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ec-fox.jpg
Normal Fennec Foxes -
* Health: small
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs,Smiley Tie and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Backflips
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Dire Fennec Foxes -
* Health: large
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Salmonhttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … salmon.jpg
* Health: small
* Drops: Christmas Bell, Tail Ribbon, Rose, Fangs, Rainbow Bracelet and Candy Cane
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: Ocean; HydroPillar
Snakeshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /snake.jpg
Snake -
* Health: medium-large
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: ReallyBig; Marsh
Pythons -
* Health: large
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: ReallyBig
Sea Serpents -
* Health: huge, 10 bars
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Fangs, ZT's helmet, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: Serpent's Pass
Hummingbirdshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ngbird.jpg
Normal Hummingbirds -
* Health: small
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Stomps
* Find them in: GreatFalls
Batshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ey/bat.jpg
Normal Bats -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: Secret Tunnel; Castle; Lava Cave
Okapihttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /okapi.jpg
Normal Okapi -
* Health: large
* Drops: Christmas Bell, ClawsL, ClawsR, and Spiked Collar
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: Valley Plains
Micehttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /mouse.jpg
Normal Mouse -
* Health: small
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: Secret Tunnel
Frogshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … y/frog.jpg
Tree Frog -
* Health: small
* Drops: ClawsL, ClawsR, Fangs, Rainbow Bracelet and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: Marsh; Playground
Pandashttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … -panda.jpghttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … /panda.jpg
Red Panda -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Reindeer Antlers, Horns, and "Peace on Earth" Note
* Gives: Lunges
* Find them in: Playground
Panda -
* Health: large
* Drops: Reindeer Antlers, Horns, and "Peace on Earth" Note
* Gives: Tames
* Find them in: No public maps
Normal Peacocks -
* Health: medium
* Drops: Spiked Collar, Shades, Fangs, Tail Feather and Sapphire Necklace
* Gives: Cures
* Find them in: GreatFalls; Playground
Неубиваемые животные.
Ducklingshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … ckling.jpg
* Drops: Horns, Reindeer Antlers, Feathers, Smiley Tie and "Peace on Earth" Note
* Find them in: Waterfall
Penguinshttp://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 … enguin.jpg
* Drops: Twig, Eyepatch, Horns, and Sapphire Necklace
* Find them in: Ice